Мэдээллийн төв

Хүүхдийн болон чих хамар хоолойн эмч нарын практикт түгээмэл тохиолдох амьсгалын дээд замын үрэвсэлт өвчний эмчилгээний салбар дундын асуудлууд


On 27-30, June 2016 in Innsbruck, Austria, took place XII International scientific-practical conference “Interdisciplinary issues in the treatment of upper respiratory tract in the practice of pediatricians and otolaryngologists.” The Conference brought together leading experts in the field of medicine from Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria and Germany. During the Conference, topical issues of therapy of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract were raised and recommendations for their practical implementation in medicine were developed.